It's getting colder. So much colder than before. I missed practice today. Didn't feel like going. Felt too cold. Feels below freezing. No matter how much I try to cuddle up in my blanket, or if I turn the heat up, or no matter how much I try to warm up, it's all cold. It got worse when I found out I missed the first part of practice. But that's okay... I wasn't planning on going anyways. Now... what the fuck. What the actual fuck. It's snowing outside... what is it, early November? It's too early to be snowing! Hang on, let me check outside
oh god.
oh god oh god oh god.
It's one of them. Those creepy kids I saw earlier! The one with the icicles! He's going up to my front door.
Fuck this. I'm not going to wimp out. There's a few knives in the kitchen. If need be I'll defend myself. Wish me luck.
Well, that was dumb. It was Aaron. He said he asked the director if he could swing by and check on me! I'm not sure, but he was also making me feel... warmer, I guess! I guess there wasn't snow... but that... I don't know what to make of that. I guess it's just some weird fucked up thing like that one scene at the theater. Oh, hang on, he's calling for me.
I hate my life.
We were having such a nice time. He asked me how I felt, and then I told him... some... of the truth. And he tried to talk to me more about it, but I refused. We ended up hanging out, chatting, talking about plays, life, school... I haven't been to school in a while. The school calls sometimes, but my parents are lenient about that. They think I should stay home to "cope with whatever's troubling me" or some shit. Which reminds me, my parents... had they not been out for a party in uptown Dayton, I'd be in so much trouble for having a guy over.... but I digress. We were talking some more when I saw, in the window, the boy. Not the kid with the icicle, but the white-haired, blue-skinned boy with the crack on his face. His face was pressed right against the back window, staring at us with his bruised eyes. When I saw him, I screamed. When Aaron tried to comfort me, I told him to leave.
He must think I'm not well. Fuck, I don't think I'm well.
But I don't know if it would come after him the way it comes after me.
it just got colder...
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